comfy cozy winter recipes (dorm/at home edition)!!

Cooking is a comforting activity to bond with family, friends, or take some self-care time. Everyone needs some comfort right now, so here are some warm happy recipe ideas! I’ve included college dorm friendly ideas and more general wintertime meals <3


  • apple pie oatmeal

For the cooking liquid, mix together milk and apple cider and heat up your oats. Then add brown sugar, cinnamon, and possibly some diced apples if you’re feeling fancy! (or any oatmeal toppings of your choice)

  • toast !

Okay yes, this is assuming you have access to a toaster somewhere. However, then you can have a little pantry of bread and nut butters/jellys/other yummy spreads and there’s always a good snack available.

  • curry 

Curry is a really simple meal to make as a little bonding activity with your friends. Get some rice, curry, coconut milk, limes, and seasonings from a nearby grocery store, and then raid the salad bar at the dining hall for vegetables (and maybe protein if they’re feeling generous with you !). Here’s a helpful base recipe for the sauce: 

  • banana bread

A crowd favorite, and only using basic baking ingredients that you’ll need for future dorm baking adventures. Grab the worst looking bananas from the dining hall! You can also add chocolate, nuts, or substitute the eggs and butter with applesauce to make a vegan version.


  • cheesy pumpkin kale pasta

This winter pasta?? One of my favorite cozy foods of all time. It also feels nice and healthy while being covered in cheese. 10/10  :) 

  • sohla’s greens, beans, & pasta

I haven’t tried this yet, but I have no doubt in my mind that it’s delicious. Sohla El-Waylly kills it in every single video she makes! 

  • pork ragu

This is definitely the most complex meal by far in this list, but it looks absolutely scrumptious. Also, the recipe is by my friend’s mom, so that’s really sick to be able to cook her food at home! 




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